“That was totally wicked!!!!!!!!” (Batman Begins Surprise)

John has been looking forward to seeing Batman Begins for a very long time, and planning on seeing it for his 17th birthday, which is today.

Doug and I first scared John into thinking he was in some serious trouble by calling him upstairs just before 11:00 p.m. last night. He was standing in front of Doug and I was off to the side. We made it seem that he’d done something wrong (but only for a minute, if it was that long).

What John did not know was that Doug had purchased the tickets for the midnight showing online and had the printout behind his back.

John looked very concerned, and after some dialog between us, Doug pulled the tickets out and John couldn’t believe that we were kidding.

Batman Begins was awesome! John and I went to see it together and I will have to say that it outdid the first two Batman movies. I can’t wait to go and see it again. I was planning on staying home with our kids so Doug could take a group of John’s friends to see it on Friday. Well, now I’m hoping to be there to see it with them. It’s too cool to pass up.

Ah, Batman Begins … another opening night showing. I can’t wait to see it again.

4 Replies to ““That was totally wicked!!!!!!!!” (Batman Begins Surprise)”

  1. Mark, are you serious? You’re going to pass up a Batman movie. I thought you were a fan. I recall you wearing some “costume”, not too long ago.

    You mentioned borrowing a DVD, well, I’m really looking forward to having our Matrix movie back sometime, I hope soon. I’ve been having a Matrix kick of late and am lacking on the last movie. We need to plan a visit again(and no, I’m not only suggesting a visit to get my movie back either). It’s been too long since your last visit. I hope we can visit soon.

  2. A visit would be good.

    As for the Matrix DVD, “This is not theDVD you’re looking for… you can go about your business… move along…”

    Hey, it’s hard to watch movies like that because I can only watch them when my kids are sleeping, and very often I want to be sleeping then too!

  3. Wow! Friday night we went to see Batman Begins with John, Isaac, my niece Jennifer, and a couple of of John’s friends (Amanda and Rubens). Like my wife and John had done on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning (depending on how you slice it), we went to the Apple Tree Cinemas in Londonderry.

    I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, except when I was out of my seat, when Isaac got scared by the masked villian character (no real spoilers here), and I had to take him out of the auditorium. Thankfully, I didn’t miss much more than a few seconds.

    My only regret? It was over too quickly. The film, of course, demands a sequel. So will the fans.

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