Today I had my appointment with the new rheumatologist. He’s requesting all records from three different doctors. I was given a new pain med and taken off one that I was recently given by the ER doctor (although I’ve only taken it once). I will have a follow-up appointment in four weeks.
He has no explanation for several of my symptoms, but states the other problems that I’m having is fibromyalgia. Here’s a great site to find out more about fibromyalgia:
The doctor today, too, agrees that the other problems that I’m having are endocrine. I am also waiting to hear back from the new endocrinologist. He wanted to go over my tests results from the first endocrinologist, who claimed that I didn’t have an endocrine problem!
I have been checking my temperature for several days now and the highest it’s been is 98.0 and the lowest was 96.3. The typical range in 97.2 to 97.7.
Next week I have an appointment at the pain management clinic.
Waiting, praying, hurting, and crying, but through it all we know God is ultimately in control and already knows the outcome. Thank you for your continued encouragement and prayers.
One of the things this doctor mentioned was getting exercise, “even walking 200 yards.”
Nichelle explained that walking even such a short distance was impossible. (In January she could have done that, but those days are gone, and movement-related pain and restrictions are unquestionably much worse.)
I agree that there are issues on top of fibromyalgia. I strongly suspect that hypothyroidism is present (especially given Nichelle’s chronically low body temperature). Maybe over the weekend I’ll do some analysis of the symptoms list, and do a grid for which causes explain which symptoms.
We also need to get Beth to weigh in on her favored diagnosis. Right now I think she’s only saying it’s endocrinological; I think if she’s going to earn that Moxie, she should narrow it down to something more specific, such as hypothyroidism or hypercortisolism.