Farewell to Connie Nordahl

I am sorry to learn that Connie Nordahl passed on (as she would have said), on Sunday, September 5, 2004. Connie was the original owner of WordSmith, a transcription and typesetting service in South Weymouth, Massachusetts; as such, she was my first boss in Desktop Publishing. (Eventually, I bought out most of the business, which became WordSmith Digital Document Services.)

Working for Connie was very helpful to my computer career; indeed, working at WordSmith provided many skills and opportunities that became foundational to what I am doing today (Java programming and Web development). When I ever get around to my page to honor “people who have helped me in life,” Connie will have an important place.

A few weeks ago, I started writing an e-mail because I’d read my first book by P.D. James, one of her favorite authors. Unfortunately, I never finished and sent it. I will also miss having someone who always agreed with strict grammatical rules.

A memorial service will be held at the Lutheran House of Prayer in Hingham (916 Main St., Route 228), at 3:00 PM on Saturday, September 18, 2004.

2 Replies to “Farewell to Connie Nordahl”

  1. We have many things at our house to remind us of Connie. In fact the silverware we eat with (or at least part of it; there are six Wilcoxes now, after all) was a wedding gift from her.
    Even more special are the numerous cross-stitch projects. We have one that she did when Isaac was born, and our favorite one is right over our dining room table: an equisite work showing the twenty-third Psalm.
    As I think back, I am reminded of how much I learned when working for Connie at WordSmith, ultimately, as I had mentioned, she taught me what I needed to know to run the business. After about five years, she kept the transcription side and a few other clients, and I bought out the graphics design and typesetting portion which became WordSmith Digital Document Services.
    She was a pleasure to work for and with. We both enjoyed reading, and loved discussing the abuse of the rules of grammar. (Yes, I am aware that I ended a previous sentence with a preposition.) I suspect she was pleased to work with a young person (I was 20) who was so conservative and shared similar values. I was thrilled to have a job in the computer field, and eager for the opportunity to create and to learn.
    I hate goodbyes. I will miss her.

  2. Hello Doug!
    Thanks for your memories of Mom – I know she enjoyed working with you.
    She would have also enjoyed knowing you got to see her beloved grandson! Thanks for reintroducing yourself after the service. I knew you looked familiar but couldn't recall why.
    Best wishes to you and your beautiful family!

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