Hi, Slacker!

Naomi turned two on Thursday. Friday night, when I got home, she echoed David’s typical greeting of “Hi, slacker!” and has been saying it—with immense glee—ever since. Give it a listen: naomi_hi_slacker.mp3.

After a day, her pronunciation became even better: Give it a listen: naomi_hi_slacker_2.mp3.

Naomi even made up her own song using her new favorite word:

(Click here, or right-click and save if the above video won’t play, or you can view it on Google Video.)

Google Video is now including embedding code. Here it is below:

15 Replies to “Hi, Slacker!”

  1. Thank you for sending that great email! I loved it! Naomi is adorable! Loved the video–She is a great musician!

  2. She’s got a great career ahead of her. I’m truly impressed by her composition although I never did hear the word “slacker” pronounced. A heard Daddy, daddy, daddy. Oh I get it. Daddy and slacker mean the same thing at your house! 😉

  3. Yes, Gaylon did!!!! So very funny. LOL. This morning we were coming up with different levels of slacker to say good morning to. I believe Isaac said, “good morning, slacker,” to Doug, and his response was, “Good morning, Junior Slacker.” “Someone needs to be the Executive Slacker,” I said; Isaac liked that idea, too.

  4. I actually would have chosen Grand Poobah Slacker for myself. Or High Exalted Slacker. Or maybe Her Highness of Royal Slackerdom.

    Shoot for the stars!

  5. ~ LOL~ I just love the song and the seriousness in which it was sung. I especially enjoyed the facial expressions on the word “slashy” and the emphasis by the banging on the piano………..the Lord loves a joyful song. Aren’t little ones just precious?

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