He’s 6 yrs. old…. (David and Evangelism)

This afternoon while in another room, I heard my kitchen door slam shut and the sound of little feet (not the littlest feet) go running in and then back out. No crying, so I knew everything was alright. I found out that it was David running into the house to get his Bible. He was playing with the neighbor’s children. It turned out that at some point during their play, David was asked what the Bible was. So he came and got it to show them. But not only that, he had a couple of Bible stories in mind for them to read. First was the story of David and Goliath and the other, I believe was the story of Abraham. Now with the length of that “story,” I suggested he show them the story of Nicodemus. Doug scanned and printed the passages for him to give to them. David got it in hand and quickly dashed over to bring it to them. David was so excited. I don’t know the results from that yet, but hope to hear something back from the family. (Yes, of course, something positive.) So please pray about that for us, especially for David. It is such a blessing to see your child excited about sharing God’s word. He’s 6 years old. What a joy it was for me to see that in him today.

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