[tv]Nichelle here: I noticed my husband has failed to mention the rather noisy incident that happened the other night. Well, I'll be nice and fill you all in. Well, Doug and I were recently introduced to a fairly new show, which is now in the second season, called 24 w/ Keiffer Sutherland. Well, the show is very addicting and extremely intense. We love it.
Well, back to the noise, which made me heave myself off the couch and bolt upstairs to find Isaac on the floor crying. He fell out of his top bunk. Well, Doug eventually made it upstairs to see what happened. I was later informed that he was trying to figure out what to do. He could only see himself needing to take a child to the hospital and missing the last half of the episode. The funny thing is we have the whole first season on DVD!!!! He only needed to pause for a moment, but I did mention that the show is really intense…LOL Well, Isaac did hurt himself, but nothing to take him to the hospital. He's fine now. Oh, we haven't yet finished the episode, but we did get another friend hooked on the show, by showing him the first two episodes.

14 Replies to “24”

  1. I realize that my rant from today contained the word, “well” waaaaaaaaay too many times. For those who have a problem with this and find it necessary to correct me, don't bother. I'm pregnant and hormonally imbalanced and anything you may say will most likely be taken the wrong way and cried over for the next several hours.

  2. Doug, just use your monster 'net connection to download the episode you missed in MPEG or DIVX format! That's how I watch Alias and Everwood now. Who needs to be glued to the tube when you can pause it? ;?)

  3. Another “24” fan! Cool! I had heard about the show last year but never watched it. Grabbed the 1st season box when I saw it at BJ's last fall and we got SERIOUSLY hooked. Now that we finished watching season 1, we really miss it. Haven't watched any of season 2 because it's important to watch this series in sequence. So our dilemma is: how do we “catch up”? Is the second season in reruns yet? I wonder when the 2nd season DVD set will be available, and whether we'll have enough time to watch it all before the 3rd season starts.

  4. I believe “24” season two is already almost through its run—I know there are only 3 episodes left, so they might run them again.
    “24” seems to have gained a strong you-must-buy-this, word-of-mouth following. I know a number of people (and have read similar remarks in Amazon’s reviews) who did not even hear of “24” (like me) until very recently.
    The good news is, season two is scheduled for release on DVD in only September—just about the time we’ll get tired of seeing the new Matrix films at the theatre for the twenty-second time, and early enough to keep us busy waiting for the special edition release of The Two Towers (Is there a date on that yet?) and the film release of The Return of the King.

  5. September . . . not soon enought for me I'm afraid. Like I said, I want to somehow “catch up” i.e., watch Season 2 before Season 3 starts.

  6. [doug]One of our friends was so upset with the ending, that he’s vowed not to watch season 2 (when it comes out on DVD—we’ve already missed it on broadcast TV).
    Nichelle, our “co-24-addict” Phil Luchon, and I, thought the ending was perfectly fitting. I won’t spoil anything here, but feel free to add a thumbs-up or thumbs-down.

  7. They've also announced 24: Season Two for release on 9/23 (SRP $69.98). The 7-disc set will include anamorphic widescreen video, Dolby Digital 5.1 audio, forty-four deleted scenes and alternate ending with optional commentary (no kidding), three featurettes (On the Button: The Destruction of CTU, The Making of an Episode: Production and The Making of an Episode: Post-Production), two multi-angle scenes studies and audio commentary on six episodes (one per disc). Additionally, all of the deleted scenes and alternate endings will be optionally viewable during the episodes they're taken from via seamless branching.

  8. Wow! Despite being severely sleep-deprived, we tore through season two in under two weeks. (I actually had to re-watch two episides because by the time the third episode of the evening was on, I couldn’t keep my eyes open, much to Nichelle’s amusement.)
    You know, there᾿s just enough time to watch seasons 1 and 2 again before season 3 begins on Tuesday, October 28, 2003….

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