Naomi: Infantile Perspectives on Divinity

Our children are constantly exposed to the knowledge of the Lord, at home and at church. At times we find their understanding of God to be inspiring. At other times, their statements can be humbling. (See our post about David: Oh, That Lord!)

Last night at dinner, we were beaming with pride when, after Nichelle mentioned we might get snow this weekend, Naomi looked up to Heaven, and said, “Thank you, God!” for the snow she hopes will come. What spontaneous and wonderful praise, especially for someone not even 2.5 years old! How exciting to see her concept of God already forming.

Then she closed her prayer with up-pointed finger, and the demand, “Okay, Slacker-Weasel!?”

John: No Longer a Slacker? Eldest Wilcox Child Misses Honor Roll by One Point

I should have posted this several weeks ago, but I made a classic mistake of trying to write too much at once, to make up for the fact that I rarely write posts exclusively about John. So, here’s a more focused post:

This past quarter, for the first time in his life, John earned a report card that was quite acceptable. In fact, I believe he came within one point of making honors, thus narrowly avoiding the administration of emergency defibrillation to numerous school staff and family members.

We just got progress reports for this quarter, and overall John is still doing well, although he’s going to have to work a little harder on two subjects.

John certainly hasn’t had an easy life, and God has been working in him in a number of ways. He’s had to overcome obstacles that most people wouldn’t even imagine.

We’re very proud to see John living up to his potential—or at least much closer than ever before. We’ve always known he could excel, but I’m not sure he was always convinced of that.

The Quintessential NaNi

I’ve been searching for that “one” photograph that seems to be the “real” Naomi at this point in her life. I think this is it. (Click to enlarge.) I find this to be difficult with children’s photos. They are so constantly on the move, and rapidly changing, that capturing what we perceive as their typical appearance is difficult.

Here she is, as usual, bright and cheerful, loaded with energy, and has a fire in her eyes. I took this photo (once I could get her to stop jumping and spinning around shouting “Yippee!”) just after I told her we would be going sledding that evening.

Although now that I look at this carefully, I’m not sure her hair is quite right …

(I added the one on the right in April, 2006.)

Geek Humor @ H0//3

Tonight I was reviewing science notes with Isaac (click-and-drag to highlight my answers with your mouse to reveal them):

Q: What’s the densest element?
A: Osmium (actually, it’s a tie between Osmium and Iridium)
My answer: Fifth graderum.

I also dug up Tom Leher’s famous “The Elements Song.” You can hear it attached to a clever Flash animation here, or download the MP3 yourself.

And we had some fun because Isaac couldn’t remember:

Q: What is the most commonly occurring transuranium element?
A: Plutonium.

… which led to me mimicking bits of Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) from Back to the Future.

Doc Brown: “I’m sure that in 1985 plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955, it’s a little hard to come by.”

Then Isaac confounded me with this one:

Q: What kind of tree did the mad scientist plant?
A: Chemis-try!

So I added:

Q: And what kind of tree did his mathemetician wife plant next to it?
A: Geome-try!

Naomi’s Stories

NaNi is indeed a delight. She’s started to put together stories. Last night she said, “See Uncle Phil. Rocket ship. Knock, knock, knock.” (You want to visit Uncle Phil, and you’ll take a rocket ship to get to his house, and knock on the door?) “Yes!”

She’s always been fascinated with her clothes that have pockets. Just before bed she had her hands in her pockets, and sighed, “No money.” I laughed. “Two pockets,” she announced. She’s learning how to identify quantities.

Earlier tonight the little weasel was trying to get into my pocket. Are you trying to get my wallet? “Yes, Daddy.” “Why?” She jumped up and down with glee: “Credit cards!” Sometimes she’s too smart.

Caption this Photo (of Naomi)!

We took this picture during David’s seventh birthday party. Nichelle’s suggested caption is below. Can any of you beat it?

“What do you mean I’ve had too much sugar?”

Now, let me go reserve a therapist for NaNi.

Isaac, the Biographer

Isaac is now in fifth grade. He wrote this biography of Naomi for one of his homework assignments:

My Sister, Naomi

My little sister, Naomi, a cheerful little girl. Being two years old, she has different rules of posession: “If I saw it, it’s mine,” “If I didn’t want it, and saw you playing with it, it’s mine.” And Naomi’s special, “Every loli-pop I see is mine.” Naomi likes to sing along with many songs: “Jesus Loves Me,” is one of them and all the songs of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” She is very bouncy, loud, cheerful, and her vocabulary is very good. The day after her [second] birthday she greeted my dad with a “Hi, Slacker!” She constantly stands on objects and says “Look, I’m taller!” I’m glad to have a sister as Naomi is.

Sledding (2005–2006)

We have been leaving our sleds out most of the winter as offerings to the snow gods. So far it has been working, although I had to correct the kids on making the proper offering. Scattering the toboggans about the yard is not the way to get the snow gods’ attention: One must place the sleds vertically, up against the deck or porch railing, as if ready for instant use. You don’t want to get rain all winter, do you?

This is Naomi’s first year sledding.

Above: NaNi, at the bottom of the hill after one of her first-ever sledding runs. “Again!”

Sledding was great last night at Roby Park, in Nashua, which is not far from our house! The snow was perfect for speed; we were getting within about 20 feet of the fence at the bottom of the hill. Conditions should be same for the next few nights; I can’t go tonight. I might go on Tuesday, but will probably have too much work.

Isaac was practicing on a $1, small, narrow snowboard we got at a yard sale—it’s amazing how quickly he learns. He had several runs where he made it almost completely down the hill. I wonder how he’d do on a larger board with boot clamps. David tried it sitting and laying down. Isaac also challenged us to race him, sleds versus feet. He’s fast.

Above left: Isaac’s Calvin & Hobbes snowman (2 heads, 4 arms, etc.).

Above right: Our three-toboggan sled train. NaNi is in the front, Doug is in the middle (and providing the steering), David is in the back.

Naomi was completely thrilled. She always wants to go from the very top of the hill. I hold her sled in front of mine, which provides excellent steering control. The second day we went sledding, someone bumped her, and she was noticably timid for the rest of that day; last night she was fine. She seems nervous still while we are getting in position. I reassure her by explaining what I’m doing. “I’m just getting onto my sled. Don’t worry, I won’t let go of you. Remember, we won’t move until you say, ‘Go.'” And then she counts down (or up), and calls out, “Go!” and we’re off! Her first word upon reaching the bottom is, “Again!” She burst into tears when I said it was time to go home.

Above left: In the Wilcox backyard, the natives are restless. Isaac uses his bow and arrow to enhance his Mutant Snow Goon.

Above right: Even though our sledding was done, and we were all a little wet and cold, NaNi insisted on continuing to play outside.

Earlier this year, I took some pictures, and even have a short video clip of one of Naomi’s first sledding runs (if for nothing more than freaking out Nichelle). I’ll have to see what’s worth posting. (Editor’s note: I looked; the video isn’t that great, and the photos are mostly dark or blurry. It was cold when I took them! I’ve added the one that was decent.)

(New photos above added January 25, 2006.)

Geek-Boy Isaac Makes Science Mistake

Ten-year-old Isaac Douglas Wilcox jeopardized his entire future career in science today, when he described the maximum size of an Australian salt water crocodile as “seven to eight feet.”

Fortunately, his vastly more knowledgeable father was there to correct this serious breech of cognition, and he quickly righted the error, pointing out that “Salties” grow to twenty to twenty-five feet in length. (The largest ever found was 29 feet in length.)

(This post has nothing to do with the fact that Isaac loves pointing out those extremely rare occasions when I am wrong in a scientific area. It’s all about the newsworthiness, folks.)

Domestic Security Consultant Visits Wilcox Home

On Friday, the Wilcox family received a long-awaited visit from Clover, a border collie who is employed as a domestic security consultant north of here.

After an intimidating first meeting, Naomi and Clover became fast friends. NaNi adopted the same pose as Clover for all their photos together. (Note that Naomi is wearing some of her new Geekwear: a “Version 2.0” t-shirt.)

More hints has said that Clover presented on such important topics as stick-fetching, ball-fetching, stick destroying, Nerf-ball chewing, human herding, neighborhood patrols, criminal background checks, and indicating when one needs to use the little dog’s room. (I am told by Matt Camillieri that other canines, such as Winnie Sohmer, are not so good at communicating such a vital topic.)

Clover is a good dog.